flexor carpi ulnaris muscle

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MUSCLE flexor carpi ulnaris
Alias FCU
- Flexion
- Ulnar Deviation
Origin Medial epicondyle of humerus

Olecranon process of ulna
Proximal 2/3 posterior ulna

Insertion Hook of hamate

Base of metacarpal 5

Innervation Ulnar nerve
Nerve Root C8–T1
Artery ulnar artery

[1] [2] [3] [4]


External links


  1. Martini, F.H., Nath, J.L., & Bartholomew, E.F. (2015). Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Tenth Edition, CA: Pearson.
  2. Tortora, G.J. & Derrickson, B. (2017), Principles of ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY, 15th Edition. NJ: Wiley.
  3. http://www.anatomyexpert.com/
  4. Wikipedia http://www.wikipedia.org/